domestic violence - what to do after an arrest

Estimated Read Time: 2 Minutes
Reviewed by Attorney Nate Gjesdal
September 15, 2024

You get in an argument with your spouse.  Sometimes it involves yelling, other times physical contact such as grabbing or shoving may be involved.  Your spouse calls the police, and you end up being arrested for domestic violence.  What should you do next?

Even if the police give you a court date months away, NOW is the time to contact a domestic violence lawyer.  At Not Guilty Law, we intervene as early as possible, standing in between you and the police, before the prosecutors look at the report and decide whether to file charges.

As a domestic violence lawyer with nearly 15 years of experience, I know that these are the types of cases we can get dismissed often.  We will contact police on your behalf, letting them know that you are represented, and will not make any statements.  We will also schedule meetings with the prosecutor who is deciding whether or not charges will be filed, to tell the whole story and dismiss domestic violence charges.

While your domestic violence lawyer can certainly work in court to dismiss or reduce charges, here at Not Guilty Law we prefer to get to work as early in the process as possible to maximize the chance of dismissing your domestic violence case.  We have a chance of keeping your domestic violence case out of court and off your record.  If the prosecutors ultimately feel that there is enough evidence to support a domestic violence case, we can work with them to minimize the seriousness of the charges.  Many of our clients who are arrested for felony domestic violence have the benefit of getting the felony charges reduced to misdemeanor charges before we ever step into a courthouse.  Clients with serious misdemeanor domestic violence charges may have those reduced to less serious charges before a court case is filed.  Your domestic violence lawyer at Not Guilty Law will protect what’s important to you, and keep domestic violence charges off your record.


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