Prop 36 and Felony Theft: What an Orange County Shoplifting Lawyer Wants You to Know
On Sunday, December 22, 2024, Seal Beach PD released a video of two ladies arrested on suspicion of felony shoplifting. Placed in the back of a police car, one lady says to the other “It’s a felony?” to which her friend replies “B****, new laws!”
Probation Violations - What to Expect
Need more time to pay fines, or do community labor? Need to be reinstated in a class? Do not ignore the problem, as we can often resolve probation violations with zero additional punishment. Contact Not Guilty Law today, and find out how we can help!
domestic violence - what to do after an arrest
You get in an argument with your spouse. Sometimes it involves yelling, other times physical contact such as grabbing or shoving may be involved. Your spouse calls the police, and you end up being arrested for domestic violence. What should you do next?
No Receipt? No Problem! Theft Cases, Dismissed.
We’ve all seen the news stories, showing groups of people wearing hoodies storming into Apple stores and stealing dozens of expensive devices. It’s a problem, and a problem that Orange County is trying to keep outside its borders. What does this mean for the client who is accused of shoplifting?
Live Life on Your Terms: EXPUNGEMENT OF YOUR Criminal Record
In the pursuit of a fresh start, individuals with a criminal record often explore the possibility of expungement. In California, the expungement process is governed by Penal Code 1203.4. This legal avenue offers a chance for individuals to set aside prior convictions and move forward with a clean slate. In this article, we'll delve into the intricacies of the expungement process, shedding light on its benefits and requirements.
From the “Your Lawyer Sucks” Series - The Disappearing Lawyer
Open a new browser tab, and ask your favorite search engine, “What is the biggest complaint about lawyers?” Ask a friend or family member who had a bad experience with a lawyer. The answer is - The biggest complaint is that some lawyers just disappear.
Why You Should Avoid Talking to the Police: The Right to Remain Silent
In the realm of criminal law, the right to remain silent is a fundamental protection afforded to individuals during police interactions. While it might seem counterintuitive, there are compelling reasons why people are often advised not to talk to the police. This blog post explores the legal foundations and practical considerations behind this advice, shedding light on the potential pitfalls of speaking to law enforcement without legal representation.
New Expungement Laws in California
As of January 1, 2023, California's Senate Bill 731 (SB 731) has ushered in significant changes to the process of obtaining an expungement, offering individuals with criminal records new opportunities for rehabilitation and a fresh start. Why does this matter and how does this impact expungements?
From the “Your Lawyer Sucks” Series - The Instagram Lawyer
This is the first blog I’ll post highlighting things I see other attorneys say or do that, in my opinion, should be a red flag when choosing who you want to represent you in court.